
This article was written by Noriko based on a news video.

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Level : Upper Intermediate and above





  1. 今、何を学んでいますか。何のために学んでいますか。

  2. どんなことを学んでみたいですか。それは何のためですか。

  3. どこで勉強しますか。カフェで勉強するのは好きですか。

  4. 勉強カフェや大人の自習室のような施設があれば、利用してみたいですか。このような施設のメリットはなんでしょうか。

  5. 忙しい毎日の生活の中で、学びや勉強の時間を確保するために、どのような工夫をしていますか?

  6. 学び直しや資格取得が、仕事や日常生活にどのようなポジティブな影響をもたらすと思いますか?

In Japan, there's a growing awareness among adults about the importance of re-education and obtaining new qualifications. Facilities such as "study cafes" and "adult self-study rooms" are gaining popularity in this context. They are open from early morning until late at night, making it easier for people to find time to learn amidst their busy schedules. These places offer not just a quiet space for study but also various services to support learning, and opportunities to meet others with similar goals.

Why do people aim for re-education or obtaining new qualifications? The reasons include a desire for promotion or career change, as well as improving the quality of life in retirement. There's also a positive motivation to chase new dreams. Utilizing study cafes allows individuals to dedicate time to their own growth even within their daily busyness, leading to great satisfaction from their achievements.

What these study cafes and adult self-study rooms offer is not just a place to learn, but the joy of learning and the excitement of discovering a new self. Are you interested in re-education? What are you studying for skills improvement, career change, or to achieve your dreams? And what would you like to study?

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



