Let’s Talk
移動(いどう)movement; transfer
お腹が空く(おながかすく)to become hungry
我慢(がまん)endurance; patience;
仕方なく(しかたなく)helplessly; reluctantly; as a last resort
巻く(まく)to wrap
缶(かん)can; tin
梅干し(うめぼし)pickled dried ume
直前(ちょくぜん)just before
自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)vending machine
てっきりsurely; certainly; without doubt
抹茶(まっちゃ)matcha; powdered green tea
結局(けっきょく)after all; in the end
Strange things I found in Japan
Last December, I was in Japan for three weeks. I ate a lot of delicious Japanese food every day.
What do you think was the first thing I ate when I arrived in Japan?
I arrived at Haneda Airport early in the morning. There, I had a cup of coffee at a cafe in the airport and took the train to Ginza. I checked into my hotel just before noon. I had planned to wait until noon to go to a nice restaurant in Ginza, but I was too hungry to resist and decided to go to a convenience store in front of the hotel. There I bought onigiri and udon noodles. They ran out of my favorite onigiri with tuna mayo, so I had no choice but to buy a kelp onigiri.
Onigiri can be easily made at home. Of course, you need rice. You also need to buy nori (seaweed) to wrap the onigiri in. There are many different ingredients for onigiri. My recommendation is, of course, tuna mayo. You can make it with canned tuna and mayonnaise. Onigiri with pickled plums are also delicious. But can't you buy umeboshi where you live?
By the way, just before I returned to the UK, I found an interesting vending machine at the Haneda Airport terminal. As I gazed at the display from a distance, a triangular food item that looked like an onigiri caught my eye. I thought it was an onigiri, but to my surprise, it was a cake in the shape of an onigiri. Indeed, when I look closely, the sponge cake was filled with various creams, including pink strawberry cream and green matcha cream. The sponge cake was shaped like a rice ball. It is a strange food. I wanted to eat onigiri again before leaving Japan, but in the end I didn't buy the cake.