最近(さいきん)- recently
寿司屋(すしや)- sushi restaurant
ゆず風味(ゆずふうみ)- yuzu-flavored
あっさり - light and refreshing
思いのほか(おもいのほか)- unexpectedly
予想以上(よそういじょう)- more than expected
全部(ぜんぶ)- all; entire
明太子(めんたいこ)- mentaiko (spicy cod roe)
混ぜる(まぜる)- to mix
焼く(やく)- to grill
和風(わふう)- Japanese-style
見かける(みかける)- to see, to come across
海に囲まれている(うみにかこまれている)- surrounded by the sea
種類(しゅるい)- variety, kind
健康的な(けんこうてきな)- healthy
たまに - occasionally, sometimes
揚げ物(あげもの)- fried food
後片付け(あとかたづけ)- cleanup
揚げる(あげる)- to fry
Let’s Talk
Have you had Japanese food recently?
I recently tried ramen at a new ramen shop that opened in Belfast. There aren't many Japanese restaurants in Belfast, where I live in Northern Ireland. There's a sushi place, but it's not that tasty. So, I wasn't sure about this ramen shop either. I went with a friend, and she ordered a ramen with a yuzu-flavored light broth, while I chose tonkotsu ramen. Surprisingly, it was delicious, and I was pleasantly surprised, thinking, 'Wow, it's better than I expected!' Of course, ramen in Japan might be even better. The broth and toppings were quite different from Japanese ramen, but I finished it all.
Then, recently, I made mentaiko pasta using a mentaiko pasta sauce a friend gave me. It's easy—just mix the sauce with pasta. Have you tried mentaiko before? I like it. Grilled mentaiko is tasty too. It's a common filling for convenience store onigiri, and mentaiko pasta is popular as well. Strangely, I haven't seen mentaiko in Northern Ireland. Despite being surrounded by the sea, the variety of fish in supermarkets is really limited.
Also, tonight I plan to make tonkatsu. It's not the healthiest, but sometimes I want to crave it. My husband loves it too, so tonkatsu is on the menu for dinner. tonight! Frying makes a mess, but I'm in the mood for it, so I'll fry it up myself.