
This article was written by Noriko based on a news video.

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Level : Upper Intermediate and above







  1. 大阪のラーメン店では、新紙幣対応のために何を更新する必要がありましたか?

  2. 新紙幣のデザイン変更の目的は何ですか?

  3. 新紙幣発行のタイミングを狙った詐欺の例を一つ挙げてください。

Let's Talk

  1. この動画を見て、みなさんはどう思いましたか。自由に感想を話してください。

  2. みなさんが住んでいるところでは、現金しか使えない券売機や支払い機がありますか。現金をまだ使うことがありますか。

  3. みなさんが住んでいる国の紙幣のデザインについて話してください。

  4. 家庭の貯蓄(たんす預金)を経済に還元させるために、新紙幣を導入することは効果的だと思いますか?

In this video, the impact and responses to the introduction of new banknotes across various industries are discussed.

In an Osaka ramen shop, it was necessary to update the ticket vending machines to accommodate the new banknotes. The cost was approximately 270,000 yen, which is a significant amount for a single store's revenue, necessitating a reduction in staff.

Cash handling machines, such as coin-operated parking meters, ATMs, and vending machines, are expected to face delays in adapting to the new banknotes, potentially leading to temporary periods where the new banknotes cannot be used.

The new banknote designs, aimed at preventing counterfeiting, have been implemented every 20 years. The new banknotes feature new anti-counterfeiting technologies, including 3D holograms. Additionally, the introduction of the new banknotes aims to bring household savings, known as "tansu yokin," back into the economy.

Lastly, there is a need to be cautious of scams timed to coincide with the issuance of the new banknotes. There may be fraudulent phone calls claiming that "current banknotes will no longer be usable, so please transfer money to exchange them for new banknotes.

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



