2. スペインのお土産
August 2022 Newsletter
土産 みやげ Souvenirs
文化 ぶんか culture
旅行先 りょこうさき travel destinations
名物 めいぶつ specialties
同僚 どうりょう coworkers
温泉 おんせん hot springs
必ず かならず always
饅頭 まんじゅう sweet bun
和菓子 わがし Wagashi (Japanese confectionery)
近所 きんじょ neighbourhood
配る くばる to distribute
渡す わたす to give
しかたがない there is no other way
無限ループ むげんるうぷ infinite loop
恐ろしい おそろしい frightening, horrifying
国際学会 こくさいがっかい international academic conference
参加する さんかする to participate
頼む たのむ to ask
文句を言う もんくをいう to complain
返事 へんじ reply
予想 よそう Prediction
袋 ふくろ bag
最高 さいこう best
空港 くうこう airport
最悪 さいあく worst
免税店 めんぜいてん Duty Free Shop
とりあえず for now
選ぶ えらぶ to choose
印象 いんしょう impression
Let’s Talk!
Is there a culture of souvenirs in your country?
In Japan, when we travel, we often buy local specialties and give them to family, friends, or colleagues. My mother loves hot springs, and whenever she goes on a trip to a hot spring, she always buys Japanese sweets such as manju and distributes them to her neighbours. When I was a child, I used to think to myself, "She doesn't even have to give them to the neighbours. Whenever our neighbours also went on a trip somewhere, they always gave my mother souvenirs. So, my mother seemed to have no choice but to buy souvenirs, feeling as if she had to repay them because she had received them the other day. The endless loop of souvenirs...it's horrible.
In June, my husband went to Spain for a week to attend an international conference. I asked him to buy some souvenirs, but he complained, "I'm so busy with the conference, I don't have time to buy souvenirs'', and I replied, "Anything is fine. Get me something”, then I was looking forward to seeing what he would buy. But he seemed really busy, so I thought, "It will probably be a box of chocolates."
However, my expectations were not met. My husband bought a "Spanish cured ham". An expensive-looking cured ham! When I opened the bag and looked inside, I was so happy I couldn't help but think and shouted loudly like '“What! Really? Yes! Hams!" I love ham. It is the best snack for beer and wine, isn’t it?
Needless to say, we had ham as Tapas that weekend while drinking beer. Of course I could have had chocolate, but I was really happy to get a good ham. One member of my community said, "Chocolate bought at the airport is the worst kind of souvenir.” Indeed, one gets the impression that they were only chosen because they "don't have time to buy" at the airport duty-free stores.
Have you ever received any interesting souvenirs?
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator