20 ロンドンのペルー料理レストラン


私たちが行ったペルー料理レストランは、ロンドンの南、Elephant and Castleという場所にあります。Elephant and Castleはかつて治安のあまりよくない荒れた地域だったそうです。でも最近は再開発が進み、たくさんの新しいマンションが建設中でした。そんな高いビルとビルの間に、その小さなレストランがありました。





Let's Talk

  1. あなたも最近どこか旅行に行きましたか。どんな場所に行って、どんな経験をしましたか?

  2. 日本や日本料理のレストランで、日本語で注文したことがありますか。

  3. ペルー料理を食べたことがありますか。

  4. 外国の料理で、どんな料理が好きですか。

  5. あなたの住んでいる国の面白い飲み物を紹介してください。

  • 久しぶり (ひさしぶり) - Long time no see

  • 2泊3日 (にはくみっか) - 2 nights 3 days

  • 国際的な (こくさいてきな) - International

  • 短い (みじかい) - Short

  • 滞在 (たいざい) - Stay

  • 治安 (ちあん) - Public safety

  • 荒れた地域 (あれたちいき) - Troubled area

  • 再開発が進む (さいかいはつがすすむ) - Under redevelopment

  • マンション - Apartment building

  • 建設中 (けんせつちゅう) - Under construction

  • 世界中 (せかいじゅう) - All over the world

  • 高級な (こうきゅうな) - High-class

  • おしゃれな - Stylish

  • 雰囲気 (ふんいき) - Atmosphere

  • 逆に (ぎゃくに) - On the contrary

  • 値段 (ねだん) - Price

  • 手頃な (てごろな) - Affordable

  • 味 (あじ) - Taste

  • 席 (せき) - Seat

  • 注文する (ちゅうもんする) - To order

  • 不思議な (ふしぎな) - Mysterious

  • 名物 (めいぶつ) - Specialty

  • マリネ - Marinated

  • 必ず (かならず) - Definitely

  • 炭酸飲料 (たんさんいんりょう) - Carbonated beverage

  • 衝撃 (しょうげき) - Shock

  • 忘れる (わすれる) - To forget

  • 甘い (あまい) - Sweet

  • 辛い (からい) - Spicy

In September, I went on a 2-night, 3-day trip to London. It had been a while since I visited London. London is more international than Belfast, where I live, so there are various restaurants from different countries. During this short stay, I went to a Japanese ramen restaurant and a Peruvian cuisine restaurant.

The Peruvian cuisine restaurant we visited is located in the south of London, in a place called Elephant and Castle. It used to be a troubled area with poor public safety, but recently, it has been undergoing redevelopment, and many new apartments were under construction. In the midst of those tall buildings, there was this small restaurant.

Peruvian cuisine is popular worldwide right now, and London has several Peruvian cuisine restaurants. While there are stylish and high-end ones, the restaurant we went to didn't have a fancy atmosphere. However, that actually made it feel more like being in Peru. The prices were reasonable, and the food was delicious.

When we entered the restaurant, there were only about six tables. Both the customers and the staff were speaking Spanish. So my husband placed our order in Spanish, and I tried ordering in Spanish as well. I used to study Spanish in the past, so I could manage with simple orders. The atmosphere of everyone speaking Spanish was interesting, and it made me feel a bit puzzled, like, "Where are we? England? Peru?"

Now, I had the Peruvian specialty dish, Ceviche. It's a marinated fish dish that's sour and spicy. It's one of my favorite Peruvian dishes, and I always order it. For the drink, I had Inca Kola after a long time. Inca Kola is a Peruvian carbonated beverage, and it's yellow in color. I can't forget the shock I had when I first saw Inca Kola in Peru. I was surprised and wondered, "Why is it yellow?" It's sweeter than regular cola, and to be honest, I don't like it that much. But since Ceviche is a bit spicy, I felt like having a sweet drink.

Have any of you tried Peruvian cuisine before? It's really delicious, and I highly recommend it.

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



