October 2022 Newsletter
遠く離れた とおくはなれた far away
和食 わしょく Japanese food
恋しい こいしい yearned for; longed for; missed
先日 せんじつ the other day; a few days ago
実家 じっか (one's parents') home
届く とどく to be delivered; to arrive
注文する ちゅうもんする to order
届ける とどける to deliver; to forward; to send
嬉しい うれしい happy; glad; pleased
お茶漬けの素 おちゃづけのもと Seasoning for Rice Soup
塩昆布 しおこんぶ salted kelp
柿の種 かきのたね Japanese snack
柿 かき kaki; Japanese persimmon
牡蠣 かき oyster
実際は じっさいは in fact; as a matter of fact; actually;
不思議な ふしぎな strange
赤茶色 あかちゃいろ reddish brown
細長い ほそながい long and narrow
三日月形 みかづきがた crescent shape
特徴的な とくちょうてきな characteristic
米 こめ rice
唐辛子 とうがらし chili pepper
醤油 しょうゆ soy sauce
袋 ふくろ bag; sack; pouch
送料 そうりょう postage
手間がかかる てまがかかる take time and effort
感謝 かんしゃ thanks; gratitude
Let’s Talk!
I live in the UK, far away from Japan. Although I have lived here for a long time, I prefer to read books in Japanese and sometimes I miss the delicious Japanese food in Japan. The other day I received a big package from my parents. It was a really big box, and when I opened it, I found Japanese food and books inside. Actually, I had ordered these books from Amazon Japan and delivered to my parents' address. So I knew that my parents would send them to the UK. But more than the fact that the books had arrived, I was very happy that there was Japanese food in the package. The food my parents sent me was nothing special at all. They were instant ramen noodles, Seasoning for Rice Soup, salted kelp that is delicious in rice balls, and kaki no tane, a type of Japanese snack. Do you know what "Kaki no Tane" is? A “柿persimmon" is not an “牡蠣oyster. But in fact, it is not the fruit "persimmon" either. Kaki no tane has a strange name. It is like a rice cracker, reddish brown in colour. It is made from rice with a characteristic long, thin, crescent shape. It tastes like chili pepper and soy sauce. It is a little spicy. And because there are peanuts in the bag together, they are sometimes called "柿ピー". The moderate spiciness makes it a great snack with beer, and it is an old Japanese snack. Sending packages from Japan to the UK is expensive and time-consuming!, But I am very grateful to my parents for sending me so many things like this.
©Noriko Koka, Japanese with Noriko