5. りんご
「1日1個のりんごで医者いらず(An apple a day keeps the doctor away)」と言われますね。私は、りんごの栄養や効能についてはよくわかりませんが、りんごをほとんど毎日食べています。私の台所にはいつもりんごがあります。
Let’s Talk!
四季(しき)the four seasons
風物詩(ふうぶつし)feature of the season; something characteristic of a particular season
旬(しゅん)Seasonal food
食欲(しょくよく)appetite for food
感じる(かんじる)to feel
食材(しょくざい)foodstuff; ingredient
さんま Pacific saury
焼き魚(やきざかな)grilled fish
かぼちゃ pumpkin
さつまいも sweet potato
きのこ mushroom
ほくほく soft and flaky (pie, potatoes, squash, etc.); fluffy; crumbly
たまらない irresistible; cannot get enough of
種類(しゅるい)variety; kind; type; category
先日(せんじつ)the other day; a few days ago
失敗に終わる(しっぱいにおわる)to end up to fail
しっとり moist
効能(こうのう)effect; benefit
What does autumn mean to you?
Japan has four seasons, each with its own customs and seasonal foods. Japanese people have various images of autumn, such as autumn for appetite, sports, and reading. I feel happiest when I eat delicious food , so "autumn for appetite" is important to me.
In autumn, there are many delicious and seasonal foods. In Japan, the most delicious fish in autumn is "Sanma" (saury). Grilled Sanma is really delicious. Chestnuts, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and mushrooms are also delicious. Chestnut rice, pumpkin soup, warm & fluffy sweet potatoes.... Oh, I can't get enough of it.
And what is the fruit of autumn? In my case, it is apples. In the UK, where I live, you can find all kinds of apples at the supermarket. Not only red apples but also green apples are available. The other day I made an apple cake twice, the first time was not so good and was a failure, but the second time was delicious. I had a moist apple cake with custard cream.
It is said, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” I don’t know well about the nutrition and benefits of apples, but I eat an apple almost every day. There are always apples in my kitchen.
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