落とし物の数、“過去最多”を記録 あなたが「落とした物」は?

This article was written by Noriko based on a news video.

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Level : Upper Intermediate and above

The original article by 日テレNews






  1. 電車や駅で特に忘れ物が多いと聞きましたが、公共の交通機関で何かを忘れた経験はありますか?

  2. 落とし物の対策として、20代の主婦が大切な物に鈴をつけていますが、あなたは何か特別な対策をしていますか?

  3. 外国人観光客が日本で落とし物をした際に、見つけることができたといいます。あなたの国では落とし物が見つかることは多いですか?

  4. リサイクルショップで落とし物が販売されることについてどう思いますか?あなたはそうした商品を買うことに抵抗がありますか?

The number of lost items reported to police across Japan reached a record high of approximately 29.79 million last year. It is believed that the increase in lost items is due to the return of people’s movements after the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. Particularly, wireless earphones and mobile batteries are frequently seen among the lost items.

As a measure to prevent losing items, a housewife in her 20s has adopted the method of attaching bells to important items so she can check them by sound. Additionally, there are stories of a man who left his camera on a train and a housewife in her 30s who dealt with many lost items during her time as a station attendant. One particularly surprising lost item was a case where an oden pot was left on a train.

Foreign tourists also tend to lose things easily. A tourist from Australia left his camera and wallet in a restroom but was lucky enough to find them when he returned an hour later.

At a recycling shop in Saitama Prefecture, a large number of wireless earphones and new household appliances forgotten on trains or at stations are gathered. These items are bought through auctions and sold in the shop. Customers are happy with the affordable products, but above all, it is important not to lose things in the first place.

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



