
This article was written by Noriko based on a news video.

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Level : Upper Intermediate and above




Let's Talk


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  • 学校や政府が取り組むべき他の改革について意見を述べてください。


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  • 教師になりたいと思う人を増やすためにどのような対策が必要だと思いますか?

This is a video about the issue of teacher shortages and an example from Gifu Municipal Gifu Elementary School, where the burden on teachers has been reduced by eliminating homework and incorporating home study.

At Gifu Elementary School, starting last year, they stopped assigning homework and switched to home study where children decide their own assignments. The reason for stopping homework was to increase the time teachers can spend with the children. One year after starting home study, the burden on teachers has decreased, and they have more time to spend with the children. Additionally, the issue of long working hours for teachers has also improved. At the same time, children can now decide what to study based on their own interests and questions, which has shown positive effects in improving their independence.

Teacher shortages are seen nationwide in Japan, and one reason people do not want to become teachers is the long working hours. According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 64.5% of elementary school teachers and about 80% of junior high school teachers work beyond the set limits. Often, they do not receive overtime pay, and there is a need for major reforms, such as revising the law, to change the working conditions of teachers. Additionally, it is considered important not to rely solely on schools but for teachers, children, and parents to cooperate and communicate closely to be actively involved in children's education.

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.




落とし物の数、“過去最多”を記録 あなたが「落とした物」は?