18 突然の訪問者
その猫は、近所に住む猫で、よくうちの庭にやって来るんです。ちょっと迷惑なことに、ときどき庭で用を足すこともあるんですが、でも、とてもフレンドリーで、人間を怖がりません。私達夫婦はその猫の名前を知りませんが、「Friendly Cat」と呼んでいます。
Let’s Talk
突然(とつぜん): sudden
訪問者(ほうもんしゃ): visitor
仕事(しごと): Work, job
部屋(へや): Room
気分転換(きぶんてんかん): Change of pace, change of mood
リビングルーム: Living room
机(つくえ): Desk
視線(しせん): Gaze, line of sight
誰か(だれか): Someone
見られる(みられる): To be seen
窓(まど): Window
黒い(くろい): Black
猫(ねこ): Cat
座る(すわる): To sit
じっと見る(じっとみる): To watch steadily
びっくりする: To be surprised
思わず(おもわず): unintentionally
声を上げる(こえをあげる): to raise one's voice
近所(きんじょ): Neighborhood
住む(すむ): To live
庭(にわ): Garden, yard
迷惑(めいわく): nuisance
用を足す(ようをたす): To relieve oneself (toilet)
フレンドリー: Friendly
怖がる(こわがる): To be afraid, to fear
夫婦(ふうふ): Married couple
名前(なまえ): Name
呼ぶ(よぶ): to call
窓に近づく(まどにちかづく): To approach the window
窓に寄る(まどによる): To approach the window
互いに(たがいに): Each other
見つめ合う(みつめあう): To gaze at each other
遊ぶ(あそぶ): To play
あきらめる: To give up
去る(さる): To leave
飼う(かう): To raise, to keep (a pet)
そば: beside
心(こころ): Heart, mind
温かい(あたたかい): Warm
楽しみにする(たのしみにする): To look forward to
"Sudden Visitor
I work from home every day. My house has a small office where I often work, but sometimes I also work at the desk in the living room for a change of scenery.
The other day, while I was working in the living room, I felt a gaze. It was as if someone was watching me. When I looked towards the window, there was a big black cat sitting there, staring at me intently. I was surprised and couldn't help but exclaim, 'Wow!'
The cat is a neighbor's cat that often comes to our yard. It's a bit annoying because it sometimes relieves itself in the yard, but it's very friendly and not afraid of humans. My husband and I don't know its name, so we call it 'Friendly Cat.'
I approached the window, and the friendly cat came closer to the window as well. It didn't run away at all; it just gazed at me. The cat and I gazed at each other for a while. Maybe it wanted to play with me... but I decided to get back to work. After that, it seemed to give up and went away somewhere.
I thought, cats are really cute after all. I want to have a cat someday too. When a cat is nearby, my heart becomes warm. I'm looking forward to that day."